You have 20/20 vision if you can find the ball among the fans within 10 seconds

IF you can spot the ball in this crowd of fans you could have 20/20 vision. 

Celebrate this year’s Rugby World Cup by finding the missing rugby ball in less than 10 seconds.


You have just 10 seconds to find the rugby ball in this imageCredit: Betway Sport

This illusion is difficult as the picture is full of fans sitting in the bleachers.

The fans are wearing England rugby shirts and somewhere among them is a sneaky ball. 

An oval rugby ball is hidden in the photo, which looks very similar to a football. 

This tricky brain teaser was made by Betway. 

The Rugby World Cup is currently taking place in France and ends on October 28, 2023.

South Africa is the current champion but anybody could win in just over six weeks time.

Have you found the ball yet?

If not, here is a clue.

Have a look around the sides of the photo and not the middle. 

If that did not help, here is another clue.

The ball is light gray and has a blue outline but this makes it super tricky as it is in front of a fan wearing a white T-shirt.

This means that the ball does not easily stand out to viewers. 

If you still haven’t found the ball do not worry because the answer is below.

Why not test if you have the eyes of a hawk by doing another ball-related illusion? 

Can you spot the six hidden balls in this Parisian picture in under 47 seconds?

If you want to test your personality through illusions why not check out this one. 

See also  You have 20/20 vision if you can see the mountain goat hidden in the bushes in this optical illusion in under 10 seconds

You could find out whether you’re independent based on what you see first in an image.

Did you find the ball in less than 10 seconds?


Did you find the ball in less than 10 seconds?Credit: Betway Sport

Categories: Optical Illusion

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