You have the eyes of a hawk if you can spot the cat hiding in the leaves in less than 10 seconds

YOU COULD have 20/20 vision if you can spot the cat hiding in the photograph in less than 10 seconds.

The brain teaser has gone viral and has prompted many viewers to spend arduous minutes in search of the cat.


The teaser was shared on Twitter and showed a cat hiding in some leavesCredit: Twitter/Thereisnocat_

The photo was shared on Twitter, on an account titled There is no cat in this image.

The account is known for posting images of cats hiding in various places, including beds, snow, or blending in the background.

The photo of the brain teaser shows a large number of leaves of various colors, ranging from grey to yellow.

At first look, it’s really difficult to tell where the cat is.

“That was a good one,” wrote someone on Twitter.

“If he blinked, I’d never have found him,” wrote someone else, sharing how difficult they found the brain teaser.

“This was a fun one. Would make a good wall poster,” wrote a third person.

Can you find it?

If not, people on the Tweet thread shared a closer look at the image, showing the cat frolicking in the leaves.

People on Twitter provided a closer look at the cat


People on Twitter provided a closer look at the catCredit: Twitter/Thereisnocat_

If looking for more challenging images and brain teasers, see if you can find the five differences that exist in this cute pug cartoon.

You could also try to find the diamond hidden in various pearls.

If trying to time yourself, try to find the hidden rabbit inside this photo within five seconds.

You should also try to spot the correctly spelled word in this image that has the same variations of the word misspelled.

See also  Optical Illusion Visual Test: If you have Eagle Eyes find the Odd Radio in 18 Seconds

Categories: Optical Illusion

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