You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the tiny lizard crawling over the sticks in just 17 seconds

YOU have perfect vision if you’re able to spot this perfectly camouflaged lizard hidden in this photo.

The cleverly disguised reptile is lurking among this tangled mess of dried tree roots, and only those with eagle eyes can spot it in just 17 seconds.


Hidden in these mangled tree roots is a small reptileCredit: Twitter/@Afro_Herper

Dr Earyn McGee, a scientist who focuses on studying the reptiles, posted the mind boggling image to Twitter, now known as X.

She said: “Lizards, like this tree lizard, have incredible camo! But sometimes predators still see them.

“It’s important that lizard habitats have crevices and vegetation that lizards can seek shelter in.”

The image has gone viral as Twitter users scramble to find the lizard lurking amongst the wood.

Within the mangled dried tree roots, a tin can can be seen – but the lizard is much harder to be seen.

Did you manage to spot the elusive lizard?

If you were quick to spot it, why not try some of our other reptilian challenges?

And if you’re still having trouble, perhaps try one of these to get your brain in gear.

In this photo, users were challenged to find the camouflaged sleeping lizard in just 15 seconds.

The lizard is snoozing in a habitat covered with bark and green vegetation dotted around.

Only those with superior vision can spot the lizard blending in perfectly among the bushes in under five seconds.

Although the challenge may seem difficult, it’s definitely not impossible.

And this leafy green photo also has a lizard in its midst – but the challenge is made harder as you only have 10 seconds to spot the creature.

See also  Optical Illusion Brain Challenge: If you have 50/50 Vision Find the number 0806 in 18 Secs

You have the eye of a marksman if you can spot the cleverly camouflaged sniper hiding in the undergrowth in this optical illusion.

Or you might just have the eyes of a sniper if you can spot the huge artillery gun expertly camouflaged in this forest.

Your time is up – did you spot the lizard in under 17 seconds?

Don’t scroll yet if you want to give yourself a few extra seconds.

Don’t worry if you still can’t spot it, as we’ve circled the answer for you below and have provided some hints.

Take a closer look at the top of the dried wood, near the middle left of the photo.

You may see a darker part of the wood – but it’s not part of the wood, it’s the lizard.

Dr McGee said: “Hope you found that lizard and learned something new!”

The tiny lizard can be seen sitting on the dried root


The tiny lizard can be seen sitting on the dried rootCredit: Twitter/@Afro_Herper

Categories: Optical Illusion

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