You have 20/20 vision if you can spot a cat hidden in the logs in this mind-boggling optical illusion in 20 seconds

YOU have 20/20 vision if you can spot the sneaky cat hiding among the logs in this tricky brain teaser.

See if you can spot the feline in just 20 seconds to prove the strength of your vision.


Can you spot the sneaky cat hidden in this picture?Credit: Reddit/AccidentalCamouflage

Brainteasers and optical illusions can help train your brain and improve memory.

In the puzzle, a cat is hidden among a pile of logs that have a bright red truck behind them and a background of a very similar woody color.

This makes it incredibly difficult for your eyes to discern different objects.

The problem with this tricky image is that the cat blends in perfectly with the logs and the red of the truck distracts your eyes and pulls them away from the prize.

read more on brainteasers

Viewers have been left stuck when trying to identify the cat in the yard.

Those who are speedy may even have the eyes of a hawk.

The image was shared on Reddit in a post asking people to find the “clever girl.”

The fiendish feline is indeed clever as she left viewers stumped.

One Reddit user wrote: “Still don’t see the cat,” and another frustrated player added, “I am about to quit.”

“I only see wood,” a third added.

Meanwhile, others were just desperate to be given some sort of clue.

“You gotta help me, can’t find the cat,” they wrote.

If you are struggling, draw your eyes to the right-hand side of the logs.

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The cat is hidden so well that there are few other clues that can be given.

Try to look closely for something that does not appear to have the same texture as the wood.

If you are still finding it tricky, see the answer in the image below.

If you enjoyed that, why not see if you can spot the Queen bee in the hive in this brainteaser?

If you spotted the feline without help, you could have 20/20 vision


If you spotted the feline without help, you could have 20/20 visionCredit: Reddit/accidentalcamouflageThe cat blends in perfectly with the logs, creating the perfect optical illusion


The cat blends in perfectly with the logs, creating the perfect optical illusion

Categories: Optical Illusion

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