Only intelligent people can spot the mistake in the bridge picture within 6 seconds.

Brain teasers are puzzles that require you to implement lateral thinking skills and problem-solving abilities. These online puzzles are loved by people of every age group and region. Attempting a brain teaser has more advantages than you would think. They are a fun way to stretch your thinking and enhance your problem-solving abilities. They can also help relieve tension and boredom. So, whether you are having a dull day or simply looking to test your innate abilities, you have come to the right place. Get ready to have some fun and challenge your brain by solving this ‘find the mistake’ brain teaser puzzle. Let’s begin. 

You have a detective brain if you can spot the mistake in the boy reading book picture within 6 seconds.

Spot the mistake in 6 seconds

Look at today’s brain puzzle. 

Source: Bright Side

The picture puzzle depicts a couple embracing on a bridge. The woman is wearing a yellow dress and the man is wearing a red suit and they are embracing on small bridge that goes over a river in the jungle. At first glance, you probably would not notice it, but there is a big mistake in this bridge picture puzzle. 

Now, your task is to find what is wrong with this picture within 6 seconds. Can you solve this puzzle? We will find out soon enough. 

Get ready, because your time starts now. All the best, people. This brain teaser’s answer is given at the bottom of this article. However, we would like to ask you not to scroll down unless you have solved the puzzle by yourself first.

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The mistake in this picture is quite obvious and the smartest faction of the population can spot it in an instant. How long will it take you to solve this brain puzzle? We will find out soon. 

Brain Teaser Answer

The river that is visible in this brain teaser picture puzzle is not flowing upward. The river’s source appears to be beneath the bridge, which is implausible. Take a look:


Source: Bright Side

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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