Everyone can see the Christmas trees but you have high IQ if you can find the mistletoe in 10 seconds

ONLY those with the best eyesight and attention to detail will be able to solve this brainteaser in seconds.

If you are a puzzle fiend and want to get into the Christmas spirit, this is the one for you.


Can you spot the mistletoe in this image?Credit: ICE Headshop

In this festive image created by Ice Headshop, there is a hidden sprig of mistletoe.

The tricky puzzle features decorated Christmas trees, stacks of presents, and a snowy sky featuring the silhouette of Santa and his reindeer.

According to its creators, it takes the average person 51 seconds to spot the romantic plant.

Meanwhile, others give up on the puzzle altogether.

The falling snow in the picture and the many details of the trees and presents make it incredibly hard to spot what you are looking for.

In addition to this, the pops of color in the background, middleground, and foreground of the image keep your eyes distracted.

If you are struggling, some people find it useful to search the image carefully by going around it like the hand of a clock.

Or, you can divide it up into imaginary sections and then search each section thoroughly before moving on to ensure all details have been spotted.

For those who need a clue, the mistletoe is hidden among one of the four trees.

If you give up, scroll down to reveal the solution, but if you want to persevere focus on the trees on the right.

Meanwhile, those who have spotted it in less than 51 seconds can celebrate that they are above average.

See also  Optical Illusion Brain Challenge: If you have Hawk Eyes Find the Number 69 in 15 Secs

If you fancy some more festive fun, have a go at some of our other holiday-themed puzzles.

Why not try to spot the stocking hidden among the candy canes in this image?

Or, search this busy office for the six gifts from Santa.

If you gave up on this fiendish puzzle why not practice your skills on some of our other brainteasers?


If you gave up on this fiendish puzzle why not practice your skills on some of our other brainteasers?Credit: ICE Headshop

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: tiengtrunghaato.edu.vn

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