Everyone can find the squirrel in this brainteaser…but you have a high driving IQ if you see the hidden car in 12secs

A VIRAL optical illusion has left people baffled as they try to find the hidden car in this incredible brainteaser.

If you can see the cheeky motor hidden in the busy park in under 12 seconds you have ultimate 20/20 vision and a high driving IQ.


Can you spot the car somewhere in this picture?Credit: english.jargon.com

The family friendly artwork shows a bunch of happy faces doing a whole load of activities in a park but there doesn’t appear to be a car in sight.

A person with brilliant skills behind the wheel should be able to quickly find the pricey car which is cleverly blended in within the photo.

Grab your binoculars and try to see if you can solve the optical illusion using your clever problem-solving brain.

In the image there is a lot going on with a basketball game in full flow and rollerbladers and scooter riders tearing through the court.

read more in brainteasers

On the calmer side of things, an ice cream seller is giving out sweet treats to happy families as they tuck into the snack on a lovely summer’s day.

The pure amount of things going on in the picture is what really throws you off from finding the car though as there are so many distractions.

The car is very hard to spot as you can’t see at first glance and it takes ultra focus to scan across the whole picture and ignore everything else.

Whether you’re looking up high in the trees or down low near the cute squirrels you’re sure to run out of time and be left having to walk home.

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Try to think outside the box and spot the car as the artist from English Jagran has made this one very difficult.

This makes it near impossible to find the flash motor in under 12 seconds as you need to search through it super-fast.

Studies have shown, people who regularly challenge themselves with optical illusions and puzzles see big improvements in their problem-solving skills, concentration and attention.

Psychologists at The University of Glasgow found that staring at an optical illusion can improve eye sight by allowing you to see small print.

And according to ZenBuisness: “These visual puzzles can give you a good mental workout that can, in turn, help you think more efficiently and solve problems more easily.”

The photo left many eager to find the hidden car but several struggled due to sneakily placed motor and the unexpected make and model used by the artist.

In this particular piece, people with a high visual IQ should be able to find the car pretty quickly or they’ll never reach the annoying solution.

A top tip is to look through the trickery and stay focused on the slight giveaways in the image.

If you want a huge clue then try to follow the tracks the car has left behind it.

If you still can’t find the car, scroll down to see the solution below.

If you enjoyed this challenge, why not try another?

Try and see if you can rule the roost by finding the pumpkin in this picture full of turkeys.

But be warned it’s spectacularly hard.

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Whether that was too tough or you made it in time give this one a go and find the mouse hiding among the mushrooms, scroll down for the solution below.

The car is only a small RC motor but its circled in red underneath the ice cream stand


The car is only a small RC motor but its circled in red underneath the ice cream standCredit: tiktok/@dreamsanddreamsanddreams
Can you see the pumpkin?


Can you see the pumpkin?Credit: Gergely Dudolf
Where on earth could the mouse be?


Where on earth could the mouse be?Credit: Credit: Dudolf
Now that was a tough one, did you get it?


Now that was a tough one, did you get it?Credit: Gergely Dudolf
Now that was tough!


Now that was tough!Credit: Credit: Dudolf

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: tiengtrunghaato.edu.vn

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