Are there more wheels or doors? Mind-boggling brainteaser will drive you nuts

THIS mind blowing puzzle sends people around the corner as it detects if you see more wheels or doors.

The confusing optical illusion was shared by Genesis Collection in response to the latest online debate that has taken the internet by storm.


How many doors and wheels do you see? Credit: Genesis Collection / Wolfenden PR.

The image is dotted with a series of two overlapping brown shapes as viewers are invited to count the number they see.

A Genesis Collection spokesperson said: “This challenges you to answer if there are more wheels or doors.

“How long will it take you to answer the question that has us all confused?”

Don’t worry, if you are still having difficulties, we have the answer below.

Answer: There are 51 wheels and 52 doors.

Currently, the Internet community is still divided on the door and wheels debate.

And the more we thought about it, the more our brains melted.

Earlier this month, Twitter user Ryan Nixon he asked his 2,000 followers to settle the dispute for him.

Urging people to pick a side, he wrote: “My friends and I are having the STUPIDEST debate… and I’m here for it.

“Do you think there are more doors or wheels in the world?”

In just 24 hours, the survey garnered more than 223,000 responses, with 53.6% of people believing the “correct” answer was wheels.

Unsurprisingly, it didn’t take long for the discussion to spill over onto TikTok.

TikToker Kate wrote: “I really believed there were more doors than wheels because there were so many skyscrapers and hotels.

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“BUT there’s probably a chair in each of those rooms with four wheels […] and how many drawers are there? THE DRAWERS HAVE SMALL WHEELS”.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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